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Like Levitra, Cialis is not affected much by food, so can be taken after a meal If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. The treatment for the men’s disorder has already been registered with the Food and Drug Administration. Common side effects of Cialis and Viagra that are similar include flushing (redness or warmth of the face, neck, or chest), headaches, stomach pain or upset, flu-like symptoms (such as stuffy nose, sneezing, or sore throat ), memory problems, muscle or back pain, blurred vision and changes in color. You may have to pay for your Viagra pills out-of-pocket, so it is prudent to have a payment plan or dip into your healthcare savings J am tobuyviagra. Buying authentic Viagra or Cialis in Indonesia with a prescription couldn't be easier. Viagra Connect 50mg, is now available in the UK and you don’t need a prescription from your doctor. 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